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Query is configuration consisting of rules and group. Rule defines a single filtering expression whereas group is combining multiple rules (or nested groups) with the provided condition.


queryGroup(..., condition = "AND")

queryRule(field, operator, value = NULL, ...)



Rules defined with queryRule function.


Group condition. By default 'AND' and 'OR' are available. To set custom one use setQueryConditions.


Field of the filter applied to the rule. To set custom one use setQueryOperators.


Name of the operator to be applied to the rule.


(optional) Values that should be applied to the rule. Some operators, such as 'is_null', don't require any value provided.


Nested lists structure.


Having the example expression `a == 1 | (vs == 0 & qsec > 10)` we can distinct the following rules and groups:

Rules: - `am == 1` - related to `am` field, applies `==` operator with `1` value, - `vs == 0` - related to `vs` field, applies `==` operator with `1` value, - `qsec > 10` - related to `qsec` field, applies `>` operator with `10` value.

Groups: - `(vs == 0 & qsec > 10)` - combines two rules (`vs == 0` and `qsec > 10`) with `&` condition, - `a == 1 | (vs == 0 & qsec > 10)` - combines rule `a == 1` and group `(vs == 0 & qsec > 10)` with `|` condition.

Such query can be defined by 'queryBuilder' the following way:

queryGroup( condition = "OR", queryRule("am", "equal", 1) queryGroup( condition = "AND", queryRule("vs", "equal", 0), queryRule("qsec", "greater", 10) ) )

Connection between conditions and operators names and their R-based counterparts are defined with queryBuilderConfig class.

The defined query can be then converted to filtering expression with queryToExpr function.


  condition = "OR",
  queryRule("am", "equal", 1),
    condition = "AND",
    queryRule("vs", "equal", 0),
    queryRule("qsec", "greater", 10)
#> $condition
#> [1] "OR"
#> $rules
#> $rules[[1]]
#> $rules[[1]]$id
#> [1] "am"
#> $rules[[1]]$field
#> [1] "am"
#> $rules[[1]]$operator
#> [1] "equal"
#> $rules[[1]]$value
#> [1] 1
#> $rules[[2]]
#> $rules[[2]]$condition
#> [1] "AND"
#> $rules[[2]]$rules
#> $rules[[2]]$rules[[1]]
#> $rules[[2]]$rules[[1]]$id
#> [1] "vs"
#> $rules[[2]]$rules[[1]]$field
#> [1] "vs"
#> $rules[[2]]$rules[[1]]$operator
#> [1] "equal"
#> $rules[[2]]$rules[[1]]$value
#> [1] 0
#> $rules[[2]]$rules[[2]]
#> $rules[[2]]$rules[[2]]$id
#> [1] "qsec"
#> $rules[[2]]$rules[[2]]$field
#> [1] "qsec"
#> $rules[[2]]$rules[[2]]$operator
#> [1] "greater"
#> $rules[[2]]$rules[[2]]$value
#> [1] 10