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Pulls text files and their content.


  pattern = NULL,
  depth = Inf,
  file_path = NULL,
  cache = TRUE,
  verbose = is_verbose(gitstats),
  progress = verbose



A GitStats object.


A regular expression. If defined, it pulls content of all files in a repository matching this pattern reaching to the level of directories defined by depth parameter. Works only if file_path stays NULL.


Defines level of directories to retrieve files from. E.g. if set to 0, it will pull files only from root, if 1L, will take data from root directory and directories visible in root directory. If left with no argument, will pull files from all directories.


A specific path to file(s) in repositories. May be a character vector if multiple files are to be pulled. If defined, the function pulls content of this specific file_path. Can be defined only if pattern stays NULL.


A logical, if set to TRUE GitStats will retrieve the last result from its storage.


A logical, TRUE by default. If FALSE messages and printing output is switched off.


A logical, by default set to verbose value. If FALSE no cli progress bar will be displayed.


A data.frame.


get_files() may be used in two ways: either with pattern (with optional depth) or file_path argument defined.

In the first scenario, GitStats will pull first a files structure responding to the passed pattern and depth arguments and afterwards files content for all of these files. In the second scenario, GitStats will pull only the content of files for the specific file_path of the repository.

If user wants to pull a particular file or files, a file_path approach seems more reasonable, as it is a faster way since it omits pulling the whole file structure from the repo.

For example, if user wants to pull content of and/or files placed in the root directories of the repositories, he should take the file_path approach as he already knows precisely paths of the files.

On the other hand, if user wants to pull specific type of files (e.g. all .md or .Rmd files in the repository), without knowing their path, it is recommended to use a pattern approach, which will trigger GitStats to find all the files in the repository on the given level of directories (pattern argument) and afterwards pull their content.

The latter approach is slower than the former but may be more useful depending on users' goals. Both approaches return data in the same format: tibble with data on files, namely their path and their content.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
 git_stats <- create_gitstats() |>
    token = Sys.getenv("GITHUB_PAT"),
    orgs = c("r-world-devs")
  ) |>
    token = Sys.getenv("GITLAB_PAT_PUBLIC"),
    orgs = "mbtests"

 rmd_files <- get_files(
   gitstats = git_stats,
   pattern = "\\.Rmd",
   depth = 2L

 app_files <- get_files(
   gitstats = git_stats,
   file_path = c("R/app.R", "R/ui.R", "R/server.R")

} # }