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GitStats 2.2.2

  • Fixed pulling repositories URLS by code when GitStats is set to scan whole hosts (#589). Set type parameter to api by default. Setting type to web results in parsing GitLab api URLs which may be time consuming and it should not be a default option.

GitStats 2.2.1

CRAN release: 2025-01-21

  • Fixed pulling repositories by code when GitStats is set to scan whole hosts (#583).

GitStats 2.2.0

CRAN release: 2025-01-14

This release brings some substantial improvements with making it possible to scan whole organizations and particular repositories for one host at the same time, boosting function to prepare commits statistics and simplifying workflow for getting files.


  • From now on it is possible to pass orgs and repos in set_*_host() functions (#400).
  • Improved get_commits_stats() function (#556, #557) with:
    • giving possibility to customize grouping variable by passing it with the group_var parameter,
    • changing name of the time_interval parameter to time_aggregation,
    • adding yearly aggregation to time_aggregation parameter,
    • changing basic input from GitStats to commits_data object which allows to build workflow in one pipeline (create_gitstats() |> set_*_host() |> get_commits() |> get_commits_stats()).
  • Merged two functions get_files_content() and get_files_structure() into one get_files() (#564).
  • Add .error parameter to the set_*_host() functions to control if error should pop up when wrong input is passed (#547).


  • Fixed pulling commits for GitLab subgroups when repositories are set as scope to scan (#551).
  • Filled more information on author_name and author_login if it was missing in commits_table (#550).
  • Handled a GraphQL response error when pulling repositories with R error. Earlier, GitStats just returned empty table with no clue on what has happened, as errors from GraphQL are returned as list outputs (they do not break code).
  • Fixed getting R package usage when repositories are set (#548).
  • Added possibility to pass GitHub users to orgs parameter in set_github_host() (#562).

GitStats 2.1.2

CRAN release: 2024-11-12

This is a patch release which introduces some hot fixes and new data in get_commits() output.

  • Added repo_url column to output of get_commits() function (#535).
  • Fixed setting default tokens when verbose mode is set to FALSE (#525) and fixed checking token scopes for GitLab (#526).
  • Fixed get_repos_urls() output when individual repositories are set in set_*_host()(#529). Earlier the function pulled all repositories for an organization, even though, repositories were defined for the host, not whole organizations. This is similar to the solved earlier (#439).
  • Fixed getting GitLab subgroups as organizations in repositories table output when pulling repositories with code (#531).

GitStats 2.1.1

CRAN release: 2024-10-25

This is a patch release which introduces some improvements in get_R_package_usage() on speed and possibility to pull at once data on multiple R packages, new get_storage() function and some fixes for checking token scopes and setting hosts.


  • Optimized get_R_package_usage() function:
    • it is now possible to pass a vector of packages names (new packages parameter replacing old package_name) (#494),
    • on the other hand, output of the function has been limited to contain only most necessary data (removing all repository stats), making thus process of obtaining package usage faster (#474).
    • new split_output parameter has been added - when set to TRUE a list with tibbles (every element of the list for every package) instead of one tibble is returned.
  • Added possibility to get repositories for individual users with get_repos() (#492). Earlier this was only possible for GitHub organizations and GitLab groups.
  • Added new get_storage() function to retrieve data from GitStats object - whole or particular datasets (e.g. commits, repositories or R_package_usage) (#509).


  • Fixed getting large search responses for GitHub (#491).
  • Fixed checking token scopes (#501). If token scopes are insufficient error is returned and GitHost is not passed to GitStats. This also applies to situation when GitStats looks for default tokens (not defined by user). Earlier, if tests for token failed, an empty token was passed and GitStats was created, which was misleading for the user.
  • It is now possible to pass public GitHub host name ( or to set_github_host() (#475).
  • It is also possible to pass hosts in more flexible way than before (e.g. {host_url}, http://{host_url} or https://{host_url}) to host parameter in `set_*_host() function (#399).

GitStats 2.1.0

This minor release comes up with new get_files_structure() function and adjustments to get_files_content() so user can pull custom (by defining pattern of files and depth of directories) files tree from repository and pull their content.

New features:

  • Added new get_files_structure() function to pull files structure for a given repository with possibility to control level of directories (depth parameter) and to limit output to files matching regex argument passed to pattern parameter (#338). Together with that, get_files() function was renamed to get_files_content() to better reflect its purpose.
  • Adjusted get_files_content() so it can make use of files_structure pulled to GitStats storage with get_files_structure() function - if file_path is set to NULL and use_files_structure() parameter to TRUE (both are by default)(#467).
  • Added progress parameter to user functions to control showing of cli progress bar separately from messages (which are controlled with verbose) (#465).


  • Changed message when searching scope is set to scan whole git host (no orgs nor repos specified) from warning to info (#456).
  • Added new CI/CD jobs: deploy to gh-pages, lint and check for bumping version.
  • Mocked extensively API responses to improve tests and checks progress (#481].

GitStats 2.0.2

This is a patch release with substantial improvements to some functions (get_repos(), get_files() and get_R_package_usage()), adding with_files and in_files parameters, fixing cache feature and introducing new get_repos_urls() function, a minimalist version of get_repos():

  • Added new get_repos_urls() function to fetch repository URLs (either web or API - choose with type parameter). It may return also only these repository URLs that consist of a given file or files (with passing argument to with_files parameter) or a text in code blobs (with_code parameter). This is a minimalist version of get_repos(), which takes out all the process of parsing (search response into repositories one) and adding statistics on repositories. This makes it poorer with content but faster. (#425).
  • Added with_files parameter to get_repos() function, which makes it possible to search for repositories with a given file or files and return full output for repositories.
  • It is also possible now to pass multiple code phrases to with_code parameter (as a character vector) in get_repos() and get_repos_urls() (282).
  • Added in_files parameter to get_repos() which works with with_code parameter. When both are defined, GitStats searches code blobs only in given files.
  • Removed dplyr::glimpse() from get_*() functions, so there is printing to console only if get_*() function is not assigned to the object (#426).
  • Output table of get_R_package_usage() consists now also of repository full name (#438).
  • Improved get_R_package_usage() with optimizing search of package names in DESCRIPTION and NAMESPACE files by removing filtering method and replacing it with filename: filter directly in search endpoint query (#428).
  • Fixed get_files() when scanning scope is set to repositories. Earlier, it pulled given files from whole organizations, even if scanning scope was set to repos with set_*_host(). Now it shows only files for the given repositories (#439).
  • Improved cache feature (#436).
  • verbose parameter controls now showing of the progress bars (#453).

GitStats 2.0.1

This is a patch release with some hot issues that needed to be addressed, notably covering set_*_host() functions with verbose control, tweaking a bit verbose feature in general, fixing pulling data for GitLab subgroups and speeding up get_files() function.


  • Getting files feature has been sped up when GitStats is set to scan whole hosts, with switching to Search API instead of pulling files via GraphQL (with iteration over organizations and repositories) (#411).
  • When setting hosts to be scanned in whole (without specifying orgs or repos) GitStats does not pull no more all organizations. Pulling all organizations from host is triggered only when user decides to pull repositories from organizations. If he decides, e.g. to pull repositories by code, there is no need to pull all organizations (which may be a time consuming process), as GitStats uses then Search API (#393).
  • It is now possible to mute messages also from set_*_host() functions with verbose_off() or verbose parameter (#413).
  • Setting verbose to FALSE does not lead to hiding output of the get_*() functions - i.e. a glimpse of table will always appear after pulling data, even if the verbose is switched off. verbose parameter serves now only the purpose to show and hide messages to user (#423).


  • Pulling repositories from GitLab subgroups was fixed. It did not work, as the URL of a group (org) was passed to GraphQL API the same way as to REST API, i.e. with URL sign (“%2F”, instead of “/”).
  • GitStats returns now proper error, when you pass wrong host URL to set_*_host() function (#415)

GitStats 2.0.0

This is a major release with general changes in workflow (simplifying it), changes in setting GitStats hosts, deprecation of some not very useful features (like plots, setting parameters separately) and new get_release_logs() function.

Setting hosts:

  • set_host() function is replaced with more explicit set_github_host() and set_gitlab_host()(#373). If you wish to connect to public host (e.g., you do not need to pass argument to host parameter.

Simplifying workflow:

  • GitStats workflow is now simplified. To pull data on repositories, commits, R_package_usage or other you should use directly corresponding get_*() functions instead of pull_*() which are deprecated. These get_*() functions pull data from API, parse it into table, add some goodies (additional columns) if needed and return table instead of GitStats object, which in our opinion is more intuitive and user-friendly (#345). That means you do not need to run in pipe two or three additional function calls as before, e.g. pull_repos(gitstats_object) %>% get_repos() %>% get_repos_stats(), but you just run get_repos(gitstats_object) to get data you need.
  • Moreover, if you run for the second time get_*() function GitStats will pull the data from its storage and not from API as for the first time, unless you change parameters for the function (e.g. starting date with since in get_commits()) or change directly the cache parameter in the function. (#333)
  • pull_repos_contributors() as a separate function is deprecated. The parameter add_contributors is now set by default to TRUE in get_repos() which seems more reasonable as user gets all the data.
  • In get_commits() old parameters (date_from and date_until) were replaced with new, more concise (since and until).

Changes to setting parameters and pulling repositories by code:

  • set_params() function is removed. (#386) Now the logic is moved straight to get_*() functions. For example, if you want to pull repositories with specific code blob, you do not need to define anything with set_params() (as previously with search_mode and phrase parameter) but you just simply run get_repos(with_code = 'your_code'). (#333)
  • New logical parameter verbose have been introduced for limiting messages to user when pulling data - this parameter can be set in all get_*() functions. You can also turn the verbose mode on/off globally with verbose_on()/verbose_off() functions.


  • get_repos_stats() function was deprecated as its role was unclear - unlike get_commit_stats() it did not aggregate repositories data into new stats table, but added only some new numeric columns, like number of contributors (contributors_n) or last activity in difftime format, which is now done within get_repos() function.
  • Pulling by team and filtering by language is no longer supported - these features where quite heavy for the package performance and did not bring much added value. If user needs, he can always filter the output (formatted responses pulled from API) by contributors or language. (#384)
  • Plot functions are no longer feature of GitStats, they have been deprecated as the package is meant to be basically for back end purposes and this is the field where developer’s effort should now go (#381). If needed and requested, plot functions may be brought up once more in next releases.

New features:

  • Added get_release_logs() (#356).
  • get_orgs() is renamed to show_orgs() to reflect that it does not pull data from API, but only shows what is in GitStats object.
  • Commits response consists now of two new columns: author_login and author_name (#332). This is due to the mix of GitHub/GitLab handles and display names in the author column (the original author name field in commits API response).
  • Improve printing GitStats object - now when you return GitStats object in console, it prints GitStats data divided into sections to give more readable information to user: scanning scope (organizations and repositories), and storage (the output tables stored in GitStats with basic information on dimensions) (#329).

Bug fixes:

  • Pagination was introduced to contributors response (#331).
  • Fixed handler of dates parameters when pulling commits. Wrong and complex construction of gts_to_posixt() helper which took dependencies on stringr was a cause for some users of passing empty value to since parameter to commits endpoint which ended in Bad Request Error (400) and infinite loop of retrying the response (#360).

GitStats 1.1.0

New features:

  • pull_R_package_usage() with get_R_package_usage() functions to pull repositories where package name is found in DESCRIPTION or NAMESPACE files or code blobs with phrases related to using an R package (library(package), require(package)) (#326, #341),
  • pull_files() with get_files() to pull content of text files (#200).
  • possibility to pass specific repositories to GitStats with set_host() function by using repos parameter instead of orgs (#330).

Bug fixes:

  • fixed pulling responses when GitLab groups have private or empty content (#314),
  • fixed pulling users when pulling from multiple hosts (#312),
  • improved search API error handling.

Minor changes and features:

  • rename column names for repository output - id to repo_id and name to repo_name,
  • added a default_branch column to repositories output as a consequence of #200.

GitStats 1.0.0

Breaking changes:

New functions:

  • added get_*_stats() functions to prepare summary stats from pulled data: repositories and commits (#276),
  • rename and refactor plot functions to one generic gitstats_plot() which takes as an input repos_stats or commits_stats class objects (#276),

New names for core functions:

  • changed names from get_* to pull_*; get_* functions are now to retrieve already pulled data from GitStats object (#294),
  • changed name from setup() to set_params() (#294),
  • changed name from set_connection() to set_host() (#271),
  • changed name from add_team_member() to set_team_member() (#271).

Major changes:

New features:

  • added setting tokens by default - if the user does have all the PATs set up in environment variables (as e.g. GITHUB_PAT or GITLAB_PAT), there is no need to pass them as an argument to set_host() (#120),
  • added pull_users() function to pull information on users (#199),
  • added possibility of scanning whole internal git platforms if no orgs are passed (#258),
  • added get_orgs() function to print all organizations (#283),
  • added resetting all settings to default with reset() function (#270)
  • added resetting language in your search preferences with reset_language() or setting language parameter to All in setup() function (#231)

Improving performance with REST and GraphQL APIs:

  • added switching to REST engine in case GraphQL fails with 502 error (#225)
  • added GraphQL engine for getting GitLab repositories by organization (#218)
  • removed contributors as basic stat when pulling repos by org and by phrase to improve speed of pulling repositories data. Added pull_repos_contributors() user function and add_contributors parameter to pull_repos() function to add conditionally information on contributors to repositories table (#235)

Minor changes:

  • handled errors with proper messages when tokens do not grant access (#242 #301),
  • in repositories output set api_url column as an address to the repository, not the host (#201),
  • fixed adding GitLab subgroups (#176),
  • exported pipe operator (%>%) (#289).

GitStats 0.1.0

This is the first release of GitStats with given features:

  • create_gitstats() - creating GitStats object,
  • set_connection() - adding hosts to GitStats object,
  • setup() - setting search parameter to org, team or phrase, setting programming language of repositories,
  • get_repos() - pulling repositories from GitHub and GitLab API in a standardized table,
  • get_commits() - pulling commits from GitHub and GitLab API in a standardized table,
  • set_team_member() - adding team members to GitStats object.