• Fix handling non-existing selector case for valueButton.
  • textArea now stores its id as data-id attribute. This prevents automatic binding of the element by shiny library. Even when the id is specified directly, the input value is blocked by preventDefault method.
  • Add ignoreIds argument to comminInput(s). The argument allows to precise which bindings should be ignored while merging input controllers.
  • Fix handling inherited input values with valid Shiny Input Handlers. This applies to commonInput(s) and valueButton.
  • Convert pickCheckboxInput value to logical if possible.
  • Fix extracting pickCheckboxInput selection when different than NULL or NA.
  • Add try_binding argument to valueButton. When TRUE and selector points to Shiny Binding and attribute == "value" it tries to convert sourced input value using registered inputHandler.
  • Fix pickCheckboxInput update method for shinyWidgets >= 0.7.0.
  • Add vsCheckboxInput and updateVsCheckboxInput. Alternative to pickCheckboxInput that uses shinyWidgets::virtualSelectInput instead of shinyWidgets::pickerInput to render dropdown.
  • Add jsCallOncePerFlush function. When used prevents running conditionalJS callback during a single flush cycle (3668).
  • Add commonInput and commonInputs functions that allow to gather input from multiple controllers into one.
  • Add mergeCalls function that allows to use more than one jsCalls for conditionalJS.
  • Add animateVisibility JS call to show and hide elements with animation.
  • Add runAnimation helper callback to run element animations.
  • Add once argument to conditionalJS that makes jsCall run only when condition value changed.
  • Add conditionalJS component - extension of shiny::conditionalPanel that allows to run custom JS when condition is met.
  • Add valueLink component.
  • Make showModal and hideModal work with modules.
  • Add valueButton, pickCheckboxInput, accordion, textArea and modalDialogUI components.